As our members continue to be on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeking regulatory changes that would allow providers to focus on the priority aspects of their shared mission: keeping people with intellectual / developmental disabilities healthy and safe. We wrote to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to request:
Delaying the enforcement of electronic visit verification (EVV). The pandemic has changed how supports are delivered and EVV requirements do not reflect that reality.
Modifying the reserve bed hold days limit and current limitations on renewing those three times. Thank you to the 41 state associations that signed onto this letter!
Reminder: There are less than two weeks left to apply for HHS’ emergency COVID-19 funding. With a congressional deal stalled and state retainer payments ended, these grants will likely be the only form pandemic federal funding relief until at least September. Apply before the August 28 deadline! Here’s a step-by-step guide by HHS on how to do so.
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