This week, U.S. Representative Jim Langevin (D-RI) is expected to introduce the Disability Access to Transportation Act, which seeks to improve transportation accessibility for people with sensory, cognitive and physical disabilities. Given the challenges experienced by people with disabilities related to access to transportation, ANCOR has sent a letter supporting the legislation.
As written in the letter:
“We are enthusiastic about your proposed pilot programs to improve paratransit, pedestrian rights-of-way, data accessibility and protection of accessibility rights through enhancement of the accessibility complaints process.
There is a clear need for government action in this area. A 2012 joint report by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and the Leadership Conference Education Fund shows how transportation challenges affect the most fundamental aspects of people with disabilties’ daily life. The report finds that: ‘Of the nearly 2 million people with disabilities who never leave their homes, 560,000 never leave home because of transportation difficulties.’ The pilot programs your legislation would create could set the foundation for policy innovations that could help millions be as much a part of the world as their peers without disabilities.”
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