On May 14, 2018, ANCOR joined 31 other organizations in a letter to Congress opposing two bills that would restrict the access of people with disabilities to affordable housing options. Specifically, the letter concerns the “Making Affordable Housing Work Act” and the “Promoting Resident Opportunity through Rent Reform Act.” These bills would both carry out provisions of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) proposed changes, on which ANCOR has previously written.
The letter states, “Both the ‘Making Affordable Housing Work Act’ and the ‘Promoting Resident Opportunity through Rent Reform Act’ would have devastating impacts on the ability of people with disabilities and their families to afford stable, accessible housing in the community. In 2016, there was no housing market in the United States where a person with a disability whose sole source of income was Supplemental Security Income (SSI) could afford a safe, decent rental unit. HUD programs play an essential role in closing this affordability gap for millions of people with disabilities across the country. The alternatives—a return to segregation and institutionalization or homelessness—are unthinkable and would turn back the clock on decades of progress in the integration and inclusion of people with disabilities.”
ANCOR will continue to update members on developments related to these bills and other threats to the affordable housing options of people with disabilities.
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