As announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services:
“Webinar #2: Functional Assessment, Interoperability, and Quality Outcomes: What is New and Why It Is Important
Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 2:00 – 3:00 PM (EDT)
The Center for Medicaid & CHIP Services (CMCS) is pleased to announce the following training opportunity:
The second webinar will review the Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI) – a set of standardized items that measure functional status and need for assistance with everyday activities among individuals applying for or receiving Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) FASI helps develop a person-centered service plan in HCBS programs. Speakers will describe the structure and the value of using FASI, including FASI’s role in facilitating interoperability across acute, post-acute, and HCBS. The webinar will feature a state approach from Colorado. These webinars kick-off a series of technical assistance events, including quarterly webinars, office hours, and respective communities of practice for HCBS CAHPS® and FASI, called Early Adoption Work Groups, that will launch in winter 2020. Please forward this announcement to others who may be interested in your state. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].