HUD Announces Awardees for Housing Vouchers, Coalition Webinar on Additional Housing Grant Opportunities
Share this pageIn recent months, ANCOR has shared several stories on Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) grants to improve housing opportunities for people with disabilities – below we share updates on two of these stories. While housing is a critical issue for everyone in our country, people with disabilities are disproportionately likely to lack access to affordable housing.
Mainstream Voucher Program – Awardees Announced: In July, ANCOR had shared that HUD announced it had $150 million available specifically to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities, calling on Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to apply for funds. Last week, HUD announced that it had “awarded $131.3 million to 325 local public housing authorities across the country to provide affordable housing to approximately 15,363 additional non-elderly persons with disabilities.” The recipient list and amount of vouchers given per recipients is available here.
Section 811 Notices of Available Funding – New Webinar to Help Applicants: In October, ANCOR shared that HUD created two grant opportunities through Section 811 grants. These were called Capital Advance grants, and Project Rental Assistance grants. We wanted to make members aware of a new webinar on applying for these grants, hosted by our coalition partners in the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities (CCD). As announced by CCD:
“Webinar on Section 811 NOFAs: Opportunity for the Disability Community — December 19th 2019, 1 – 2 pm EST
TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Housing Task Force are sponsoring this webinar for nonprofit agencies, to review the NOFA requirements, including strategies to support strong applications. Please register here for the webinar on December 19th, 1 – 2 pm EST.
In October, HUD released two Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA) that together allocate $112 million to expand the supply of permanent affordable housing for very low-income people with disabilities.
- Project Rental Assistance of Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities – funding of up to $37 million is available through this NOFA for project-based rental assistance funding to housing agencies.
- Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Capital Advance) NOFA – funding of up to $75 million in grants to non-profits to develop new permanent supportive rental housing.
- Applications for both opportunities are due Feb. 10, 2020.
This CCD/TAC webinar will build on the information provided in the HUD Section 811 webinars: