Our coalition partners AAPD have shared a new date for their “Power: The Disability Vote” event in Austin, Texas, which ANCOR staff will attend. The event was originally postponed due to the Democratic debate schedule. As announced by AAPD:
“The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and REV UP Texas are proud to announce the *new* date for POWER: The Disability Vote. This national Disability & Election Summit will take place on Monday, June 22, 2020 (the anniversary of the Olmstead v L.C. decision) in Austin, Texas.
Opportunities to inform & support disability advocates
Showing the POWER of the Disability Vote!
AAPD and REV UP Texas are hosting POWER: The Disability Vote as a means of highlighting the power of the disability vote. In 2020, over 35 million eligible voters will be people with disabilities. The number of “disability voters” increases to over 62 million when we consider the ripple effect of the disability vote that connects families, friends, advocates, educators, providers, and other individuals that interact with people with disabilities.
Registration: Coming soon.”
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