“As midterm elections approach, it is critical that you be registered to vote and carry the proper voter ID. Over 25 million eligible voters may be prevented from voting this year because they lack the correct Voter ID and getting an acceptable ID in 34 states with Voter ID requirements is very confusing and difficult.
VoteRiders offers free help in understanding Voter ID requirements in your state and how to get the right ID. It is a nonpartisan, nonprofit group dedicated to ensuring that all eligible American citizens can vote. Help is provided through a toll-free helpline and free wallet-sized Voter ID Information cards that summarize voting requirements by state. Use these resources to ensure you and others have the correct ID to vote.”
ANCOR is also proud to support the One Person, One Vote campaign and the REV UP campaign, both of which offer voting resources for individuals with I/DD – including finding voter registration deadlines for your state.
Members interested in learning how midterm races are shaping up might want to register for Bloomberg’s webinar on midterm races to watch.
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