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Capitol Correspondence - 07.22.19

ABLE Webinar Series Starting August 1 – Best Practices and More!

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ANCOR is sharing this announcement by the ABLE National Resource Center in case it is informative for the individuals our members support and their families.

As written by the ABLE National Resource Center:

“The ABLE National Resource Center is excited to launch our annual, nationwide #ABLEtoSave Awareness Campaign Webinar Series that will run throughout the month of August 2019. The series provides information about Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts. Weekly webinars will be held each Thursday in August from 2:00- 3:00 p.m. ET and will include information for people with disabilities, family members, and those who support them. Each webinar will feature the stories of ABLE account owners and/or family members and how an ABLE account enhances the health, independence and quality of life for people with disabilities.

The webinar on August 1 is an orientation and an introduction to ABLE accounts and #ABLEtoSave month. To kick off the #ABLEtoSave campaign, you will hear the stories of several ABLE account owners and their ABLE goals and the wide variety of ways in which an ABLE account can be used. #ABLEtoSave weekly webinars will include the following:

• Week 1: August 8: Opening an ABLE Account: Key Decisions for Success

• Week 2: August 15: ABLE Best Practices and Action Steps for Family Members and Supporters (Circle of Support)

• Week 3: August 22: ABLE Best Practices for Working-Age Adults

• Week 4: August 29: Celebrating All the Ways You are ABLE: Announcing Winners from #ABLEtoSave Video Contest and Next Steps!

This webinar will be moderated by Miranda Kennedy, Director, ABLE National Resource Center, and will include a panel of ABLE account owners and experts.

This webinar is sponsored by Prudential.

Please note: Real time captioning will be provided for this webinar. For other accommodation requests, questions about the webinar, or the registration process, please contact us at [email protected].

Time: Aug 1, 2019 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)”