Capitol Correspondence - 08.16.22

NIDILRR to Develop Its Long-Range Plan for 2024-2029

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The Administration for Community Living’s National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) announced it will develop the Long-Range Plan for the period from 2024-2029. NIDILRR is the federal government’s primary disability research organization. NIDILRR’s plan will present a five-year agenda to advance the work being done in applied disability, independent living and rehabilitation research and development.

The agency will host a series of listening sessions beginning August 18, including a session specifically for direct service providers. These sessions will provide more details on NIDILRR’s Long-Range Plan framework and allow stakeholders to provide input and ask questions. Participants will be given approximately 3 minutes each to share their input.

Stakeholders not participating in the listening sessions can provide input and questions in writing.  Comments are due by November 21st.

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