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Capitol Correspondence - 12.17.19

Physical Accessibility on the Minds of Members of Congress’ as 2019 Wraps Up

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Physical barriers to accessing buildings, public transportation, public rights of way and other venues have been a longstanding challenge for people with disabilities. As 2019 draws to a fast close, two recently introduced measures will hopefully keep physical accessibility on Congress’ mind when it returns from the holidays in 2020. These are:

  • H.R. 5412, a bill introduced by U.S. Representative Diana Titus (D-NV), which would “direct the National Council on Disability to conduct a review of the implementation of standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 in the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries”.
  • H. Con. Res. 80, a resolution introduced by U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes (D-CT), “recognizing the need to improve physical access to many federally funded facilities for all people of the United States, particularly people with disabilities”.
    • U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced S. Con. Res. 30 as a companion resolution.