Budget negotiations are sure to overshadow most other policy discussions in Congress next week in the face of the looming deadline of November 21, when the federal government runs out of funds. If funding is not renewed by then, the government could shut down. Medicaid, which funds a majority of disability supports in the U.S., is considered an essential program and generally remains functional during federal shut downs. However, other programs important to the disability community such as nutrition and housing assistance could be affected should Congress not reach a budget agreement.
As reported by Politico Pro on the state of Senate negotiations: “Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby said Wednesday he will meet with other top appropriators from both parties next week to revive spending talks and work through outstanding issues that are impeding progress on a dozen fiscal 2020 spending bills.
Shelby, following a meeting with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on stopgap spending, also said that the two dates under discussion for the end of the next continuing resolution are Dec. 13 and Dec. 31. He said McConnell reinforced the importance of getting all 12 bills done this calendar year.” [ANCOR note: A continuing resolution is a short-term funding measure that would fund the government at last year’s levels until the given date.]
Politico Pro also reported that: “The House will pass a stopgap spending measure the week of Nov. 18, hoping to thwart a government shutdown later that week, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said this morning.
The leader did not say how long that next patch would last.