ACL Webinars: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy, Disability Employment and More!
Share this pageWe flag the following webinars from the Administration for Community Living to support our members as they assist people with disabilities in living healthy and full lives:
Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Among Direct Service Workers
Thursday, July 1, 2021, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
Vaccine uptake among direct service workers (DSWs) is particularly important for personal health and safety and to the many individuals that DSWs support, due to the high contact, personal nature of home care. However, DSWs experience many barriers to vaccination including culturally competent and accessible information, paid sick leave and/or time off, and transportation.
In this webinar, experts in the field will discuss demographics of the DSW workforce, barriers to vaccination, strategies to increase vaccine confidence and uptake, and promising practices.
Effective Supports to Lead to Success on the Job: Toward Recovery and Empowerment
Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET
(An optional Q&A Session will be held from 3:00 – 3:30 pm for participants)
Competitive employment has proven to be a powerful means of helping individuals feel more productive, have higher self-esteem, increase community inclusion, and generally improve overall health. In this webinar, we will discuss how many unemployed individuals with developmental disabilities such as autism and traumatic brain injury can benefit from a job in the workforce. Strategies such as supported employment, employment networking, and mentoring will be presented through instructional videos and case studies to demonstrate the process of empowerment and the feelings of independence that work brings. There is strong evidence-based research to support empowerment through work.
After the completion of the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe how work empowers individuals with mental health conditions and developmental disabilities;
- Learn how service providers can locate and utilize resources in the community for competitive employment opportunities; and
- Understand how workplace supports can increase job satisfaction and overall health.
Person-Centered Systems Change: Reflections from the First NCAPPS Technical Assistance Cohort
June 23, 2021, 1:30 pm ET
In 2019, NCAPPS received 45 applications for technical assistance with requests for support to enhance staff competencies, engage stakeholders, strengthen quality improvement, and build cross-system consistency for person-centered thinking, planning, and practice. In this webinar, representatives from four of the 15 NCAPPS states will showcase their achievements and share what they’ve learned and what they plan to do next. The panel will be facilitated by people with lived experience who will provide insights into why engaging people who use services is essential for person-centered systems change. The webinar will close with information about how to apply for the next round of NCAPPS Technical Assistance.
NCAPPS webinars are live-captioned in English and Spanish. If you require any additional accommodations to participate please email Connor Bailey. Please note that some accommodation requests made less than one week before an event may not be possible.