As written in ANCOR’s statement in last week’s Weekly Update:
“The National Council on Disability (NCD) – an independent, nonpartisan federal agency that advises the President, Congress and other federal agencies on disability policy – announces current board member Neil Romano, of Orlando, Florida, as its new Chairman.
Previous Chairperson Clyde Terry remains on the Council as a member. Mr. Romano’s designation as Chairman of the Council was made official by the White House on Monday, February 26. No further changes to the Council were made and existing presidential appointees have been asked to stay.
‘ANCOR applauds the appointment of Neil Romano as Chairman of The National Council on Disability. We have worked with Mr. Romano for some time and were delighted to have him as a keynote speaker at our 2017 Annual Conference,’ says ANCOR CEO Barbara Merrill. ‘Neil understands our field and the challenges we face, and will be a tremendous asset to the NCD. We congratulate and look forward to continuing our working relationship with Neil as he moves into this new position.’”