As part of its work with the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, ANCOR joined five national organizations and 19 of state affiliates in penning a letter to Dollar Tree requesting updates on the company’s efforts to reduce harmful chemicals, which are tied to an increased likelihood of intellectual and developmental disabilities among children.
The letter states:
“As your customers, we want the safest, healthiest products for children and adults, but it’s often impossible to know which products are safe and which ones are not. In 2015, 81% of the products tested by the Campaign for Healthier Solutions contained at least one hazardous chemical above levels of concern. Simply put, this is unacceptable, and we hope you agree that action needs to be taken.
We applaud the actions that Dollar Tree took in December 2016, when you reached out to your suppliers with the list of 17 chemicals to be removed from the products that you purchase from them. Many of the chemicals that concern us are also on the list that you sent your suppliers. Sadly, we had to learn about the letter to your suppliers through the media instead of directly from you.
Shareholders and customers need a transparent process and deserve to know where things stand in terms of making progress on these 17 chemicals. We also ask that Dollar Tree leadership meets with the Campaign for Healthier Solutions and that you where things stand on phasing out these 17 chemicals by 2020 as well as next steps to ensure all products are free of neurotoxic and other harmful chemicals.”
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