Capitol Correspondence - 03.30.21

ANCOR Sends CMS Letter on Implementing COVID-19 HCBS FMAP Bump

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ANCOR sent Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Director Liz Richter a letter urging HHS and CMS to swiftly issue guidance to states on implementing the 10-percent increase in the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services program enacted by the American Rescue Plan. While the agency is still short-staffed pending the Senate’s decision on whether or not to advance the nomination of Chiquita Brooks-LaSure for CMS Administrator, ANCOR is working to ensure this issue remains prominent for the Biden administration.

Our letter specifically flagged the need for CMS guidance on:

  • Defining a directive to “supplement but not supplant” states’ HCBS expenditures.
  • Securing state authority to administer a new temporary benefit.
  • Clarifying allowable uses for the funding.

ANCOR also voiced these requests during a CMS listening session on the HCBS FMAP bump on Thursday, March 25. We are thankful to the ANCOR members who joined us on this conference call to amplify our message and share their insights. We will keep members informed of additional opportunities for advocacy as they develop – please continue to encourage your state officials to take advantage of this no-cost funding in the meantime.

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