As part of its work with the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), ANCOR has signed onto a coalition letter on the importance of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistant Program (SNAP) to people with disabilities to the members of Congress who are negotiating the Senate-House Farm bill compromise. SNAP is included in the farm bill which has been struggling in this Congress.
The letter shared:
“In the United States, all too often food insecurity and disability go together. Families that include people with disabilities are two to three times more likely to experience food insecurity than families that have no members with disabilities. Similarly, people experiencing food insecurity have increased likelihood of chronic illness and disability.
SNAP is vitally important for people with disabilities and their families. By increasing access to adequate, nutritious food SNAP plays a key role in reducing hunger and helping people with disabilities to maximize their health and participate in their communities.
Cutting off food assistance from SNAP would only make it harder for people to work and increase their economic self-sufficiency, including people with disabilities and their families.
For these reasons, the undersigned CCD members urge the House-Senate conference committee to work on a bipartisan basis to strengthen and protect SNAP as part of the Farm Bill, and to reject any proposals that would weaken SNAP’s effectiveness as our nation’s foremost anti-hunger program by limiting access, reducing benefits, or creating administrative hurdles.”
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