The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act (Autism CARES Act) is up for renewal by Congress. The bill supports federal autism and research programs, and those funds will expire in 2019 if Congress does not take action to re-allow (re-authorize) funding for the program. In support for this bill, ANCOR has signed onto the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities’ (CCD) Principles for Reauthorization of the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Supports (CARES) Act. The goal of this document is to show Congress that there is consensus in the disability community about the importance of renewing the Autism CARES Act. Please see below for the full text of the principles.
The research, surveillance, public education, and professional training efforts authorized by the Autism CARES Act should be continued and improved.
The research portfolio should place greater emphasis on studying the needs of persons with ASD from under-represented groups and across the lifespan and on developing improved services and supports for people with ASD.
Agencies should prioritize funding projects that follow the principles of community-based, participatory research.
The research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should be made more transparent and made available to the public and in a timely manner.
The minimum number of persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder represented on the IACC should be meaningfully increased.
Representatives of other federal agencies that administer key programs for persons with ASD throughout the lifespan should be required members of the IACC:
Administration for Community Living
Department of Justice
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Labor
Current annual authorization amounts for federal agencies should be maintained or increased.
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