Capitol Correspondence - 03.23.21

Broader Long-Term Care Resources: Ensuring LTSS Access During COVID-19, Results from Project Studying Coordinated Whole Person Services

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To keep our members abreast of policy discussions in the broader field of long term supports and services, we share the following items:

  • Slides from a webinar by the National Council of State Legislatures focusing on:
    • Leveraging state and federal authorities to ensure access to long-term supports and services (LTSS) supports, including links to a resource guide by Manatt and an overview of the effect of COVID-19 on LTSS.
    • Supporting the direct care workforce.
    • Legislative examples.
  • A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on coordinated whole-person services. The study examines “projects underway in 26 counties [which] engage Medicaid health plans, medical providers, mental health agencies, social service organizations, and public health agencies in collaborative models of care and payment that target specific population groups with complex needs in each county, including people experiencing homelessness, those transitioning from incarceration, and patients with multiple chronic medical conditions.”

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