As providers of supports for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) work to ensure the well-being of individuals supported and frontline staff in case of coronavirus outbreaks, we are sharing this Politico Pro Data Point graphic as a resource for our members to keep track of the broader discussion on the issue. The graphic breaks down the $8.3 billion emergency funding package passed by Congress and signed by the president late last week.
ANCOR is currently working with Congress and the Administration to ensure that providers of I/DD supports have the resources they need to address the virus should it emerge in their communities. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) shared that it is currently working on resources specific to home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers and intermediate care facilities, intellectual disabilities (ICF-IDs).
More generally, ASAE, of which ANCOR is a member, has asked that the Administration consider including tax-exempt associations in potential temporary financial assistance for targeted industries (such as airlines) affected by the virus. While the Administration has not yet committed to targeted financial assistance for travel and tourism industries, officials have shared that it is under consideration.
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