ABLE Accounts help protect people with disabilities from losing their eligibility for Medicaid benefits by shielding up to $15,000 in savings (the current federal limit) from the federal Medicaid asset limit. This is important to the community because health and other disability-related costs are often too high to be covered by employment income alone, making continued access to Medicaid critical for people with disabilities even if they have gainful employment or receive gifts from their family. The following two resources by the ABLE National Resource Center are useful for individuals with disabilities, their families and employers:
New Employer Toolkit: The toolkit consists of resources for employers to share with employees impacted by the additional and often significant expenses that can be associated with having a disability. Toolkit items are downloadable and free of charge.
Webinar: “Strategies to Increase Your Financial Fitness with an ABLE Account in 2020”, January 23, 2-3pm ET. Register here.
“Learn how to begin to incorporate your New Year’s resolutions into ABLE savings goals and build a process to take control of your finances. We will discuss the links between health, fitness and healthy finances and provide tips and promising practices.”
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