ANCOR is sharing this update by Politico Pro because it is important for ANCOR members to know key players in Congress. The Energy and Commerce Committee, despite a name that does not sound disability or Medicaid-oriented, has the broadest jurisdiction of any Congressional authorizing committee and is very relevant to I/DD supports. This jurisdiction generally covers: health and health insurance issues (including Medicare, Medicaid, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)); biomedical research; food and consumer safety; environmental protections; energy; communications and cybersecurity; travel; and interstate commerce. It also has an oversight and investigations function over all these issues. The Committee has just nominated sub-committee vice-chairs to help lead Committee efforts on health and oversight specifically, making this item of interest to the I/DD community and providers.
As written by Politico Pro:
“Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.), […] will be vice-chair of the health subcommittee, and Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.), […] will be vice-chair of the oversight and investigations subcommittee (which is working to schedule a hearing on HHS’s role in family separations).”
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