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ANCOR News - 01.19.19

House Introduces Bill to Raise Hourly Federal Minimum Wage to $15; Phase out the 14c Certificate Program

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Last week the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill with two provisions that are relevant to providers of I/DD supports. Among other provisions, the Raise the Wage Act of 2019 would:

  • Gradually raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $15 per hour over a period of six years.
  • Phase out subminimum wage certificates for individuals with disabilities to provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to be competitively employed.

The House Education and Labor Committee has prepared a fact sheet on the bill, a section-by-section breakdown, and shared the full language of the bill.

ANCOR has been participating in meetings with the offices that introduced this bill to discuss the complexities of workforce and employment policy in the I/DD sector, particularly Medicaid-funded programs. As these discussions evolve, it is important to note that the traction this bill could get in the Democratic-controlled House might not carry over to the Republican-controlled Senate, where the bill is not likely to pass. ANCOR will keep members informed of new developments on this issue.