The National Core Indicators (NCI) has a variety of ways of sharing information including through data briefs, annual At A Glance reports, articles, national data reports and presentations. ANCOR is sharing a new data product which NCI has been developing, a “data highlight”. These documents briefly describe interesting data findings and share additional resources those interested in the topics can turn to for more information. The two first such “data highlights” are on the topic of guardianship, and health and safety.
The guardianship document reveals that “51% of participants in [NCI’s] Adult Consumer Survey had a partial or full guardian.”
The health and safety document flags that “[research] indicates that risk of harm can be mitigated by ensuring that people have friendships and relationships beyond paid staff, experience respect from staff and others, are afforded privacy, have control of over decision-making, are included in their communities, and are knowledgeable about their rights.”
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