So that our members can make the most of resources from the Administration for Community Living, we flag the following announcements:
March 23 from 2-3 pm EDT – webinar on supported decision making. “This session will explore practical strategies for working directly with people who have disabilities to develop the skills and experience needed for decision-making. The presenters will also address and explore the practical, legal and policy issues that may need to be navigated for SDM to work well as a support for many people with disabilities.” Register here.
March 30 at 3 pm EDT – webinar on improving social connections for people with disabilities. “This webinar will highlight current research on social isolation and loneliness for people with disabilities. Presenters will also share strategies for social engagement and connection from the Center for Independent Living network.” Register here.
March 31 from 12-1 pm EDT – webinar on working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “Attendees will hear from speakers from across regions who have responded to the needs of communities and families affected by the coronavirus pandemic and natural disasters, along with an opportunity for others to share their best practices and tips. This program is organized as part of the first-ever Disaster Resilience Awareness Month, an effort to increase visibility about the role of legal aid in disaster recovery and resilience, and share information on how to get involved in national disaster legal aid efforts.” Register here.
The Raise Family Caregiving Advisory Council will hold a full virtual meeting on April 28, 2021 from 12:30–4:30 pm EDT. The Council is charged with providing recommendations on effective models of family caregiving and support to family caregivers. The agenda will be posted on the Council’s website. The meeting is open to the public and registration is not needed.
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