In an update to this article from last week, ANCOR is sharing a report discussing dual eligible populations prepared by Mathematica for the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC). We are doing so because our members provide supports to dual-eligible individuals (individuals using both Medicaid and Medicare supports).
The report examines the Financial Alignment Incentives (FAI) program, including “program elements, state policies, and MMP characteristics, and strategies to identify factors associated with enrollment.” The MACPAC summary continues to say: “The analysis included interviews with state Medicaid officials in the 10 states and representatives from 15 MMPs. The analysis identified three primary factors leading to higher enrollment, including: (1) using passive enrollment; aligning key features of managed long-term services and supports programs with the FAI demonstrations; and (3) allowing care coordinators to contact beneficiaries prior to passive enrollment and encouraging coordinators to set up face-to-face visits with new members. States and health plans that adopted these approaches had higher participation rates or absolute numbers of dually eligible beneficiaries enrolled in their demonstrations.”
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