Person-centered planning being a key tenet of supports that help people with intellectual / developmental disabilities (I/DD) live in the community, we want to make sure our members do not miss this opportunity to respond to a request for feedback on this topic. The request comes from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), whose announcement reads:
“In 2019 the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requested that the National Quality Forum (NQF) convene a committee of experts with lived and professional experience in long-term services and supports (LTSS), and with the acute/primary/chronic care systems. This committee aims to provide ACL, CMS, federal and state entities, and the general public with a consensus-based, multistakeholder view of multiple areas of person-centered planning.
The committee drafted a report as an interim summary of the its efforts to develop the following:
A functional, person-first definition of person-centered planning;
A core set of competencies for persons facilitating the planning process, including details of foundational skills, relational and communication skills, philosophy, resource knowledge, and the policy and regulatory context of person-centered planning; and
Systems characteristics that support person-centered planning such as system-level processes, infrastructure, data, and resources, along with guidance on how to maintain system-level person-centeredness.
This report represents an interim summary of the Committee’s efforts to date. A future final report with Committee feedback will address the history of person-centered planning, a framework for quality measurement within person-centered planning, and a research agenda to advance and promote person centered planning in long-term services and supports, which includes home and community-based services and institutional settings such as nursing homes, and the interface with the acute/primary/chronic care systems.