Capitol Correspondence - 05.18.21

President Biden’s Full Budget Expected May 27

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We share this article by Politico Pro to keep our members informed of the political climate in which federal budget planners are operating. While the President’s budget is a symbolic document, it does provide key indicators of the Biden administration’s policy priorities and which agencies it will be seeking to strengthen.

“President Joe Biden will unveil his full budget request on May 27, a spokesperson for the Office of Management and Budget said Thursday.

That fleshed-out proposal for fiscal 2022, which begins Oct. 1, will include proposals for mandatory spending and tax reform, in addition to discretionary spending details the administration has yet to release. It will also likely tie in the president’s vision for infrastructure and jobs.

Key context: Last month, the Biden administration detailed major highlights of the president’s discretionary spending request, which comprises about a third of the total federal budget.

That plan gave congressional appropriators some guidelines to start work on annual spending bills after transition delays hampered the budget release, although it lacked details usually found in supplemental materials like the budget appendix.

Top-line requests: Biden has already asked lawmakers to provide non-defense programs with a total of $769 billion for the upcoming fiscal year, in addition to $753 billion for national defense programs, including cash for overseas activities.”

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