As ANCOR previously shared, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting a webinar to introduce their new National Center on Advancing Person-Centeredness Practices and Systems. Below is the announcement for the webinar, as shared by the ACL:
Join the NCAPPS launch webinar on January 29 at 3:00 – 4:30 pm EST.
Join the webinar to learn more about NCAPPS and to have your questions answered regarding technical assistance opportunities to transform long-term care service and support systems to implement person-centered thinking, planning and practices.
NCAPPS will assist states, tribes, and territories to transform their long-term care service and support systems to implement U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policy on person-centered thinking, planning, and practices. It will support a range of person-centered thinking, planning, and practices, regardless of funding source. Activities will include providing technical assistance to states, tribes, and territories; establishing communities of practice to promote best practices; hosting educational webinars; and creating a national clearinghouse of resources to support person-centered practice.
States, tribes, and territories can apply for technical assistance through an application available online. The deadline for technical assistance applications is February 12, 2019. Completed applications should be submitted to [email protected].
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