As tools and supports for people with disabilities are increasingly geared towards supporting their independence and lives in mainstream society, families and providers of disability supports find themselves having to balance respecting the will of the individual with ensuring their safety. This upcoming webinar by the National Center for Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) seeks to address this issue. As written by NCAPPS, which is an initiative of the Administration for Community Living (ACL):
“Person-centered supports must ensure that people have opportunities to make informed choices and to be supported in managing the risks that come with some decisions. Support providers have a direct role in helping people to live lives of their choosing and often face the challenge of balancing the individual’s choice and what is their ‘duty of care’. Participants in this webinar will 1) hear from people with disabilities about their experience in planning, navigating concerns about well-being, and seeking the ‘dignity of risk’, 2) learn from providers of supports about requirements, challenges, and successes in the delivery of quality person-centered supports that considers health and safety while honoring a person’s right to make decisions that may not always be in their best interest, 3) learn about training available for direct support providers that will equip them with the skills and strategies to help manage health and safety concerns in a person-centered way.”
The webinar will be at 2:30pm ET on December 17 – register here.
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