To assist our members in their broader efforts and conversations to improve accessibility for the individuals they support and help them with employment-seeking, we share the following resources:
An article by the National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) addressing whether job crafting may be an under-utilized strategy to improve job satisfaction and performance for workers with disabilities.
Another article by NARIC summarizing the responses to a recent NIDILRR-funded study in which researchers asked people with disabilities whether they used mHealth apps and which types of mHealth apps they used. The respondents also answered an open-ended question asking what features or functions they would like to see in an existing or new app but had not yet found in the app marketplace.
A fact sheet by the Americans with Disabilities Act National Network on improving accessibility at drive-thru medical sites.
A blog post by the Nonprofit Quarterly outlining five actions nonprofits can take to embrace disability rights and access.
A webinar series from Dec. 7-11 featuring a week of virtual deep-dives into the reciprocal impact of the tech and aging industries.
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