As announced by the Center for Public Representation, The Arc of the United States, Justice in Aging and Community Legal Services of Philadelphia:
“As you may know, there are two major deadlines coming up after which people will need to wait until 2021 to claim the stimulus payments on their 2020 taxes. CBPP estimates approximately 12 million people, including very low-income families with children, people who have been disconnected from work opportunities for a long period, and many low-income adults not raising children in their home, may miss out on payments because they don’t usually have to file taxes. The first deadline is for people who did not get the $500 additional credit for children under 17 on September 30. More here. And the second deadline is for use of the IRS non-filers form on October 15. More here. We are strongly urging people to seek help from local VITA sites or Low Income Taxpayer Clinics because if they use the non-filer form that the IRS created, they may have trouble claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit or the Child Tax Credit to which many are entitled.
We’re asking you to post on social media about these deadlines on September 15th, from 1-3pm! Here are two resources to help: