Capitol Correspondence - 06.01.21

Two New Grants from the Administration for Community Living

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Because our members offer a broad range of disability supports which overlap with aging and family issues, we flag the following grant opportunities which could further strengthen their missions:

  • Funding to create a Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center. This award will be made as a Project of National Significance as described in the Developmental Disabilities Act of 2000. The Center will expand work around an ‘Easy Read Language’ initiative by working with state and regional self-advocacy organizations to help them build relationships and secure contracts with state and local agencies to develop easily read documents. View more details and application instructions.
  • Funding to create a National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC) on Kinship and Grandfamilies. The NTAC shall focus primarily on serving grandfamilies and kinship families in which the primary caregiver is an adult age 55 or older, or the child has one or more disabilities. View more details and application instructions.