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ANCOR News - 04.23.18

White House Prepares Spending Cuts Package

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According to Politico:

“The White House is ignoring warnings from worried Hill Republicans and moving ahead with plans to cut billions of dollars from the massive spending bill that Congress passed in late March, after President Donald Trump has spent weeks grousing about the legislation.

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney — himself a former congressman — is taking the lead on developing the rollback proposal, according to eight current and former administration officials and Republicans close to the White House. The White House expects to release it around May 1, according to one administration official.

These officials anticipate the White House could propose slashing anywhere from $30 billion to $60 billion dollars from the $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill passed for this year — even as Republican lawmakers are openly asking the president not to re-open the negotiations.” Read the full article here.

According to a video interview with Fox News, Senate GOP Majority Leader McConnell opposes the rollback because it reneges on an established deal. Specifically, he said that “You can’t make an agreement one month and say, ‘OK, we really didn’t mean it.’”

ANCOR will be closely examining the proposal if and when it is made public to assess its effect on programs supporting people with disabilities, and will keep members informed on whether action is necessary. As we have written previously about this proposal, known as “rescission”, if Congress does not take action on it within 45 days of the White House officially submitting it then the proposal becomes void and the current spending deal will remain in place unaffected.