“We hope you will join us in person or online for the Release of the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium on February 11, 2020 in Washington, DC. The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium provides national and state-level statistics on people with disabilities and the government programs that serve the population with disabilities. Our annual event is designed to share what we learned during the year and highlight data from Federal partners. This year we also have two special panels: rural disability statistics, and opioid use and behavioral health for people with disabilities. [ANCOR note: the event will be both in-person and broadcast via webinar.] Register here.
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions: Andrew Houtenville, UNH
9:05 AM
Opening Remarks
9:20 AM
Panel 1: Compendium, Annual Report, and State-Specific Reports
10:30 AM
10:55 AM
Panel 2: Latest on Federal Data Collection
12:00 PM
1:10 PM
Panel 3: Disability Statistics in Rural Communities
2:40 PM
2:55 PM
Panel 4: Opioid Use and Behavioral Health Among People with Disabilities
4:15 PM
Closing Comments
4:30 PM
Amanda Reichard, National Institute on Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
Amy Steinweg, Census Bureau, Disability Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau
Andrew Houtenville, UNH, Annual Statistical Report on People with Disabilities in America
Catherine Ipsen, University of Montana, RTC:Rural
Christiane von Reichert, University of Montana, Global Public Health
David Wittenburg, Mathematica Policy Research
E. Sally Rogers, Boston University
Eric Lauer, UNH, Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
Joann Thierry, CDC
Julie Weeks, National Center for Health Statistics, Disability Statistics at the National Center for Health Statistics: An Update on 2019 Activities
Kimberly Phillips, UNH
Lillie Greiman, University of Montana, RTC:Rural
Monika Mitra, Brandeis
Sarah Boege, UNH, State-Specific Reports
Sarah Ruiz, NIDILRR
Savi Swick, ODEP
Sharon Reif or Rachel Adams, Brandeis University”
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