Capitol Correspondence - 05.04.21

Big Picture: Congressional Musical Chairs Likely as Census Numbers Trigger Redistricting

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The U.S. Census Bureau finished counting the U.S. population, the findings from which are used to inform the process of apportionment, in which seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are allocated to each state. This is an especially important process for our members because it could affect the political prospects of their congressional delegations. As explained by the Census Bureau: “Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 memberships, or seats, in the U.S. House of Representatives among the 50 states. At the conclusion of each decennial census, the results are used to calculate the number of seats to which each state is entitled. Each of the 50 states is entitled to a minimum of one seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.”

To implement apportionment, states will engage in the process of redistricting – drawing new congressional district lines to reflect the loss or gain of seats. In some states this is done by state legislatures, and in others by independent commissions. Regardless, redistricting will change the political composition of districts in states that saw a change in their apportionment, which will trigger retirement and new candidacy announcements. It is too soon to know whether redistricting will affect any of ANCOR’s congressional champions, but we will keep our members informed as the 2022 midterm elections landscape shapes up.

We lay out which states will gain or lose seats below. The information is also available in table format in this PDF.

Seats gained (total of 7):

  • Texas: 2
  • Colorado: 1
  • Florida: 1
  • Montana: 1
  • North Carolina: 1
  • Oregon: 1

Seats lost (total of 7):

  • California: 1
  • Illinois: 1
  • Michigan: 1
  • New York: 1
  • Ohio: 1
  • Pennsylvania: 1
  • West Virginia: 1

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