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Capitol Correspondence - 04.22.19

ACL to Fund Research Addressing Inaccessible Medical Equipment

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ANCOR is sharing this announcement by the Administration with Community Living (ACL) on research grants on making medical equipment accessible because people with disabilities are often not able to receive the medical care they need due to equipment issues. This includes medical equipment not being able to scan or weigh someone who uses a wheelchair, among other examples. Research and best practices in this area could improve people with disabilities’ access to healthcare.

As written by the ACL:

The National Council on Disability (NCD) seeks proposals for research and data support for a limited study on the use of accessible medical equipment and furniture in healthcare systems. The findings in this report will primarily serve to assist policymakers and federal agencies, such as the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice, with information needed to make policy decisions designed to improve health outcomes for people with mobility disabilities. The report will also inform healthcare providers on responsibilities under federal laws, and inform people with mobility disabilities of federal laws, policies, and healthcare initiatives that impact their ability to access healthcare. 

The report will identify and examine healthcare settings or systems (i.e., hospitals, preferred provider organizations or networks owned by hospitals, and physician groups) that widely utilize accessible medical equipment and seek information on both its qualitative and quantitative impacts on the healthcare settings and the patients. It will also examine two new initiatives by healthcare systems/hospitals aimed at increasing accessible medical equipment in their provider’s offices. The report will also seek information on any savings that have been achieved by states that have enacted safe patient handling laws.  

View more details about the funding opportunity and application requirements. Full proposals are due 5 PM (submitter’s local time) on May 31, 2019.