ANCOR is sharing this announcement by the Autistic Self-Advocates Network (ASAN) because we have long opposed the use of electric shock devices (ESDs) on people with intellectual / developmental disabilities (I/DD). ANCOR is part of a coalition on this issue and has been urging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which oversees electric shock devices, to finalize its rule banning the devices.
Here’s how we’re telling the FDA that we’re watching out for our community members:
Organizing “wait-ins” on April 24th. This can be anything from setting up an information table in a public place to hosting a letter-writing event, making a poster or art display in a high-traffic area, or asking people passing by to take a selfie and spread the word.
Calling or emailing the FDA and telling them to release the regulation ending the use of shock devices at the Judge Rotenberg Center.
Writing an op-ed or letter to the editor for your local newspaper letting your neighborhood know why it is so important to #StopTheShock. We provide a template to help you get started. Be sure to send us the article once it is published!
Taking selfies and making posts to spread the word and get your friends involved. Check out our social media kit for more ideas, and make sure to use the hashtags #WeAreStillWaiting and #StopTheShock!
April 24th will mark five years since the first FDA hearing on electric shock devices. In those five years, our community members have faced torture at the Judge Rotenberg Center. We are closer than ever to seeing these dangerous devices banned for good, but #WeAreStillWaiting – and so are they. Join us to #StopTheShock now!”
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