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ANCOR Announces New Staff Appointment: Sean Luechtefeld Joins ANCOR as its Communications Director

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ANCOR Announces New Staff Appointment

Sean Luechtefeld Joins ANCOR as its Communications Director

Alexandria, VA – ANCOR announced today that Sean Luechtefeld, Ph.D., will join the association on April 9 as its Communications Director. Luechtefeld will lead all communications efforts in support of ANCOR, the ANCOR Foundation and the ANCOR Services Corporation, collaborating closely with ANCOR’s executive and government relations teams to ensure consistency in brand and messaging, especially as it relates to public policy issues. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Maryland and is an adjunct professor in the Master’s Program in Communication at Johns Hopkins University.

Luechtefeld has spent the last eight years at Prosperity Now, including most recently as the Associate Director of Communications. Prosperity Now is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit whose mission is to ensure everyone in our country has a clear path to financial stability, wealth and prosperity. While there, Luechtefeld developed and edited content for Prosperity Now’s online channels and publications, collaborated on content strategy with the organization’s program and policy staff, and supported content development and logistics for several industry-leading events. He also led a successful rebranding effort in 2017, which included a complete overhaul of brand messaging and visual identity for Prosperity Now.

Previously, Luechtefeld held a variety of positions across the communications field, including coaching a nationally competitive intercollegiate debate team, managing events and online communications for a disability consulting firm in Florida, and contributing to the opening of a startup community history museum in North Carolina.

“ANCOR is delighted to have someone of Sean’s caliber help us reach towards the strategic goals we’ve set for the association,” said Barbara Merrill, ANCOR’s chief executive officer. “Sean is an educator, a communications professional, and also someone who knows what it’s like to have someone in their life that relies on the kinds of services and supports our members provide. I cannot think of a better addition to our dedicated staff of fourteen professionals—all focused on taking this vibrant association to the next level.”


The American Network of Community Options and Resources is a national trade association representing more than 1,400 private providers of community living and employment supports and services to more than a million individuals with disabilities with a workforce that’s over half a million strong. ANCOR advocates for the crucial role private providers play in enhancing and supporting the lives of people with disabilities and their families.