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ANCOR News - 12.15.20

ANCOR Joins Coalition Efforts Combating Proposed SUNSET Rule and Medicaid Estate Recovery Program

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As part of ANCOR’s commitment to ensure the well-being of individuals with disabilities and the federally funded system of supports that facilitate their inclusion in the community, ANCOR signed onto the following coalition efforts through its work with the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD):

  • A letter to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) urging it to recommend that Congress eliminate the Medicaid Asset Recovery Program because “the relatively minimal revenue generated by estate recovery is far outweighed by the burdens it places on low-income American families.” For additional context, MACPAC examined the issue during its winter meeting; the presentation on this topic is available on the meeting webpage.
  • Public comment opposing the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ proposed “Securing Updated and Necessary Statutory Evaluations Timely” (SUNSET) rule because the proposal would “create tremendous administrative burden for [the Department of Health and Human Services] and would wreak havoc across a broad swath of Department programs and regulated entities.” This comment is in addition to prior group comments ANCOR signed onto regarding this issue.