As part of ANCORs work with the Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), we signed onto coalition comments asking the Department of Education (DOE) to retract its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Title IX provisions. This rule is important because it protects students against sexual harassment and assault, and people with intellectual / developmental disabilities are seven times more likely to be subject to sexual assault than their peers.
As written in the coalition response:
“Students with disabilities involved in sexual harassment, including sexual assault, face additional challenges and risks. This proposed rule makes schools and institutions of higher education drastically less safe for all students and fails to address known risk factors for students with disabilities who are survivors and alleged perpetrators of sexual violence.
For the reasons below, we ask that the Department immediately withdraw this NPRM and instead focus its energies on vigorously enforcing the Title IX requirements that the Department has relied on for decades, to ensure that schools promptly and effectively respond to sexual harassment.”
Related resources: Stay tuned for ANCOR webinars pertaining to sexual assault and sexual health in the I/DD space – details will be announced on the “Upcoming Events” section of our website when available.
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