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Capitol Correspondence - 04.29.19

ANCOR Responds to CMS Support of Block Grant Proposals

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Given the increasing awareness stakeholders are developing of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) interest in state Medicaid block grant proposals, ANCOR shared our thoughts and concerns with Disability Scoop on the topic.

As written by Disability Scoop:

“Medicaid funding for people with disabilities could be jeopardized if a handful of states succeed in their efforts to overhaul how they receive federal dollars, advocates say.

At least three states, including Alaska, Tennessee and Utah, have indicated that they are interested in receiving block grants or per capita funding from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Currently, states receive matching funds from the federal government without a pre-set limit. If states depart from that approach, they would gain greater flexibility on how to spend the money in exchange for accepting a fixed amount, regardless of actual expenditures.


But disability advocacy groups say they are concerned that such a shift would not provide adequate funding for people with disabilities who receive health care or home-and community-based services through Medicaid.

‘These proposals often don’t think about the disability community — more people being moved into community services, more technology needs, more focus on person-centered plans — and the costs that go along with making those dramatic shifts,’ said Esme Grewal, vice president of government relations at the American Network of Community Options and Resources, or ANCOR.


Grewal of ANCOR said a move to block grants without congressional approval could result in lawsuits like what has happened in response to the Medicaid work requirement adopted by some states.”