On April 6, ANCOR joined 27 other organizations in signing onto a letter (attached) supporting access to habilitation services, which was at risk in recent health care reform proposals. The letter was sent to members of Congress, expressing concern that repealing certain key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would limit access to habilitation services and devices for children and adults under Medicaid expansion and ACA insurance plans. Impacted habilitation benefits are currently including under the essential health benefits (EHBs) provisions of the ACA. Eliminating federal EHB requirements was discussed recently as a way to sway some House members to support the now-dormant American Health Care Act (AHCA). The author of the letter, the HAB Coalition, wrote to express concern over weakening EHB requirements that could result in the loss of coverage for vital services for people with disabilities, and to urge Congress to maintain the federal standard for EHB coverage in any future health care reform legislation.
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