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Capitol Correspondence - 09.08.20

ANCOR Submits Public Comment on Vaccine Framework

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In response to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s proposed framework for vaccine prioritization last week, ANCOR partnered with NASDDDS and AADMD to submit public comment recommending the explicit inclusion of Direct Support Professionals and people with intellectual / developmental disabilities in the list of groups prioritized to receive the vaccine.

At this time, the proposed framework is divided into two groups. The first priority group would be composed of high-risk workers in health care facilities, first responders, people of all ages with comorbid and underlying conditions that put them at significantly higher risk. and older adults living in congregate or overcrowded settings. The second group would include critical risk workers, including both workers in industries essential to the functioning of society and at substantial risk of exposure; teachers and school staff; people of all ages with comorbid and underlying conditions that put them at moderately higher risk; all older adults not included in Phase 1; people in homeless shelters or group homes for individuals with physical or mental disabilities or in recovery; and people in prisons, jails, detention centers and similar facilities, and staff who work in such settings.