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Capitol Correspondence - 09.24.18

ANCOR Supports New Bill Helping Small Businesses be Accessible

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ANCOR is a lead supporting organization for a new bill that would assist small businesses to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility requirements. As shared by a press release from U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth’s (D-IL) office:

“U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) introduced legislation today with the Ranking Member of the Senate Aging Committee Bob Casey (D-PA), U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to make it easier for small businesses to become accessible for people with disabilities and help those businesses comply with the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Disabled Access Credit Expansion Act bolsters the existing Disabled Access Credit (DAC), which helps businesses pay for renovations by doubling the maximum tax credit and allowing more small businesses to receive it. The legislation also invests in programs that mediate ADA-related disputes to avoid additional litigation and help individuals and businesses understand the ADA.


The Disabled Access Credit Expansion Act would:

  • Expand the Disabled Access Credit (DAC): Increase eligible expenses businesses can write off in order to make their facilities ADA-compliant to $20,500, double the maximum credit from $5,000 to $10,125, and expand the definition of small businesses to companies with gross receipts of $2.5 million or less from $1 million or less.
  • Increase Funding for the ADA Mediation Program: Make the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) ADA Mediation Program eligible to receive funding to train contracted mediators and increase personnel to help individuals with disabilities and businesses reach a resolution without increased litigation. The legislation would appropriate $1 million for the 2019 fiscal year to support these efforts.
  • Collect ADA Information Line Data: Require DOJ to provide a report to Congress on the specific types of calls the ADA Information Line receives in order to improve the ways individuals with disabilities and businesses learn about their rights and how facilities can become ADA-compliant.”