This week, Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) of the House Education and Workforce Committee introduced legislation to invest in and support direct care workers and the people they serve. H.R. 3778, the Direct Creation, Advancement, and Retention of Employment (CARE) Opportunity Act will increase funding to entities that provide training and advancement opportunities for direct care workers.
Specifically, the Direct CARE Opportunity Act addresses the need for a well-trained, prepared, and empowered direct care workforce now and for the future. The bill:
Provides funding to fifteen entities to invest in strategies that will create jobs and enhance the direct care workforce pipeline;
Implements models and strategies to make the field of direct care more attractive, such as training, providing career pathways, or mentoring, allowing for local and regional innovation to address workforce shortages and needs in a high-demand field;
Encourages retention and career advancement in the growing field of direct care; and
Responds to the needs of a growing aging population and allows older Americans, people with disabilities, and others who require direct care services to remain in their communities, when possible.
ANCOR was one of the major groups involved in discussions surrounding this bill, ensuring that state provider associations be part of the required entities for grant recipients to consult with on their work.
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