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Capitol Correspondence - 09.30.19

Big Picture: Panels Discuss Oral Health, Social Determinants of Health

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Dental health and social determinants of health are critical issues for people with intellectual / developmental disabilities (I/DD), who face greater challenges accessing oral / health care, housing and other such necessities than their peers without disabilities. As such, our readers might be interested in two panel discussions hosted by Politico – below, we have linked to video footage and shared descriptions.

Health Care Innovators: Addressing Social Determinants of Health: “POLITICO was in Philadelphia hosting a panel of experts who discussed how the private and public sector could improve health outcomes among a city’s most vulnerable residents. Tackling the social determinants of health, such as housing and food, were mentioned as key to keeping people healthy and out of hospitals. But Medicaid, the primary insurance vehicle, won’t pay the rent, so health officials need to find different revenue sources and partnerships that can invest in a person’s social health along with their physical and mental health.”

America’s Oral Health: An Emerging Crisis: “An estimated 74 million Americans have no access to oral health care – this is nearly double the number of people without health insurance – despite evidence showing that poor oral health is linked to cardiovascular diseases and can lead to other significant health complications. In Washington, there has been little political will to change this status quo as much of the policy discussions around health insurance coverage leave out oral health. What will it take to recognize oral health as an integral part of overall health care before it’s too late?”