The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

New report sheds light on persistent problems facing community providers due to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges
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Capitol Correspondence - 03.03.20

Big Picture: Research Finds Training Doctors Improves Their Disability Competence

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As reported by the University of New Hampshire:

“After taking Responsive Practice: Providing Health Care & Screenings to Individuals with Disabilities, healthcare providers’ ideas about disability shifted away from a medical-model to a more social-model view of disability.

In the medical model, disability is seen as a problem to fix or cure. In the social model, the problem stems from an environment that is not fully inclusive or accessible to people with disabilities.


Many healthcare providers who took the training said they would change some of their care strategies.  Trainees were better able to list specific ways that they could offer accessible, disability-competent care.  Examples include creating personalized care plans ahead of time, speaking directly to the patient and respecting their autonomy, and communicating more effectively using different methods.”

ANCOR members interested in educating the health care providers they work with can learn more find information on available online modules here.