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Capitol Correspondence - 05.29.18

CBO Scores White House’s 2019 Budget Proposal, Finds Less Deficit Reduction than Projected

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According to The Hill:

“The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Thursday contradicted a White House estimate on President Trump’s budget request for 2019, estimating that it would cut the deficit by nearly half the amount the White House has claimed.

‘The federal deficit would be $2.9 trillion smaller under the President’s budget than in CBO’s baseline during the 2019–2028 period, CBO estimates,’ the CBO said in a report released Thursday. ‘By contrast, the Administration estimates that the deficit would be $5.2 trillion smaller than the baseline amount during that period.’”

ANCOR has been monitoring federal budget negotiations within Congress and the White House, as deficit reduction proposals that target domestic spending could negatively affect programs that support people with disabilities. We will keep members informed of the need to take action.