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Capitol Correspondence - 11.04.18

CMS Changes to Home Health Final Rule Allow Remote Patient Monitoring

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ANCOR is sharing this Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announcement because it applies to individuals supported by our members who receive Medicare benefits, such as dual-eligible individuals, and supports ANCOR’s vision for Medicaid and technology.

“Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized significant changes to the Home Health Prospective Payment System to strengthen and modernize Medicare. Specifically, CMS made changes to improve access to solutions via remote patient monitoring technology, updated payments for home health care with a new case-mix system, begin the new home infusion therapy benefit, and reduce burden.


CMS is promoting innovation and modernization of home health care by allowing the cost of remote patient monitoring to be reported by home health agencies as allowable costs on the Medicare cost report form. This is expected to help foster the adoption of emerging technologies by home health agencies and result in more effective care planning, as data are shared among patients, their caregivers and their providers. The use of such technology can allow for greater patient independence and empowerment. Supporting patients in sharing their data will advance the MyHealthEData initiative, led by Jared Kushner and the White House Office of American Innovation.”