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ANCOR News - 10.20.20

CMS Issues Snapshot on Medicaid Telehealth Utilization and Telehealth Utilization Toolkit

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The pandemic has showcased the importance of telehealth in supporting the well-being of people with intellectual / developmental disabilities (I/DD). Some instances of telehealth in I/DD supports are only allowed under temporary emergency waivers during the pandemic. ANCOR is sharing this announcement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) so our members can use it to inform their advocacy with their states regarding extensions of these waivers beyond the pandemic if necessary.

“In an effort to provide greater transparency on telehealth access in Medicaid and CHIP, CMS is releasing, for the first time, a preliminary Medicaid and CHIP data snapshot on telehealth utilization during the PHE. This snapshot shows, among other things, that there have been more than 34.5 million services delivered via telehealth to Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries between March and June of this year, representing an increase of more than 2,600% when compared to the same period from the prior year. The data also shows that adults ages 19-64 received the most services delivered via telehealth, although there was substantial variance across both age groups and states.  

To further drive telehealth, CMS is releasing a new supplement to its State Medicaid & CHIP Telehealth Toolkit: Policy Considerations for States Expanding Use of Telehealth, COVID-19 Version that provides numerous new examples and insights into lessons learned from states that have implemented telehealth changes. The updated supplemental information is intended to help states strategically think through how they explain and clarify to providers and other stakeholders which policies are temporary or permanent. It also helps states identify services that can be accessed through telehealth, which providers may deliver those services, the ways providers may use in order to deliver services through telehealth, as well as the circumstances under which telehealth can be reimbursed once the PHE expires.

The toolkit includes approaches and tools states can use to communicate with providers on utilizing telehealth for patient care. It updates and consolidates in one place the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and resources for states to consider as they begin planning beyond the temporary flexibilities provided in response to the pandemic.

To view the Medicaid and CHIP data snapshot on telehealth utilization during the PHE, please visit:”